Jens Petter

Game Programmer

Editor scripts in Unity

There are a few ways of really finding the barriers of Unity in terms of extending the editor. One can write custom inspectors but one can also write editor scripts. This blog post will focus on extending the editor with editor scripts where I will show a very simple example on how to write an editor script.

Editor scripts vs custom inspectors

On first glance, the difference between editor scripts and custom inspectors is not that much. One can even see if they follow the first course link in the “Useful links” section of this blog post that the same visual end result is achievable by writing a custom inspector as one can do when extending the editor with editor scripts. There are however quite some clear differences when one looks more closely to this topic. Apart from differences there are also some similarities between the two which are discussed below as well.


A good rule of thumb (which is also a fact) to remember is that custom inspectors are build upon a class that derives from a MonoBehaviour. When extending the editor one doesn’t build upon a MonoBheaviour script at all. This is only logical because MonoBehaviour scripts are just part of the in depth editor elements called “Components” which are of course used on GameObjects. Personally I always keep in mind myself that this is the main difference between the two.

Custom inspector scripts need to be in the so called “Editor” folder. Scripts that have the purpose of extending the editor don’t have to be in the Editor folder.

Note that there are some special rules about the “Editor” folder in Unity that are quite important to know. These are discussed in my previous blog post about Unity where I talk about Automated building with Unity. A link to that blog post can be found here.


Both a script for extending the editor and a script for creating a custom inspector use the “GUILayout” GUI drawing method of elements that was introduced with Unity 4. Nowadays the Unity canvas has taken over to be the main source of drawing GUI and UI elements in Unity however GUILayout is still supported and also used as shown for when a developer wants to draw editor GUI elements which is needed when extending the editor or creating a custom inspectors.

Unity attributes can also be used if one wants to make a custom inspector or extend the editor. These could be the “Header” attributes for example that we are used to with Unity.

Our example
The use case

Since the aim for this blog post is to not be that long and to be an introduction to extending the editor in Unity we will make an editor script that can really quickly make from a single object another primitive type object such as a sphere or cylinder. This example will show a base of how powerful extending the editor in Unity can be and will hopefully spark cool and inventive ways of extending the editor to you, the reader!

The code

Below one can find the entire code of the custom editor we are writing. In this blog post I am taking the approach of showing all the code off at once where later I explain what it does, if you (the reader) likes this or dislikes this please let me know by sending my an email. I would love to receive some feedback on this.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyExampleEditorWindow : EditorWindow
    [Header("New object to shape to")]
    public PrimitiveType objectType;

    [MenuItem("Window/Example window")]
    public static void Show()
        GetWindow("Example window");

    void OnGUI()
        //Visually show the enum value in this class
        objectType = (PrimitiveType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("new shape type:", objectType);

        //Creation of a button
        if (GUILayout.Button("Shape"))

    private void Shape(GameObject[] objects)
        //For everything in the selection GameObject array
        foreach (GameObject obj in objects)
            //Check what the new type of object is that the old object needs to shape to
            //Shape the old object to the new object by creating a GameObject of that type,
            //assigning its sharedMesh value and deleting it again
            //Lastly we will make sure the name of the old object is also set to the name of the new object type
            switch (objectType)
                case PrimitiveType.Cube:
                    GameObject newCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newCube.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Cube";

                case PrimitiveType.Sphere:
                    GameObject newSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newSphere.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Sphere";

                case PrimitiveType.Capsule:
                    GameObject newCapsule = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newCapsule.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Capsule";

                case PrimitiveType.Cylinder:
                    GameObject newCylinder = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newCylinder.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Cylinder";

                case PrimitiveType.Plane:
                    GameObject newPlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newPlane.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Plane";

                case PrimitiveType.Quad:
                    GameObject newQuad = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
                    obj.GetComponent().mesh = newQuad.GetComponent().sharedMesh;

           = "Quad";

Why certain decisions have been made in the example code

There are some points to note about the code itself before I go in and actually discuss what the code does and how it specifically works. The topic points to talk about are discussed below.

Optimization: Note that for statements in Unity are at least 5 times faster then foreach statements. Switch statements in this regard are of course slower then normal if / else if statements as well, however because of the purpose of this tutorial nothing has been taken in to account in terms of optimization on this part.

Getting a reference to the mesh filter of a primitive: In Unity there is still no way to get easy access to a mesh filter of a primitive. In this case I spawn a primitive object, get its mesh filter and delete it afterwards. This is of course quite performance heavy. Another way to tackle this problem is to save primitives in the “Resource” folder so that data such as mesh filter can be fetched from that folder. This would already be faster and more clean looking then the current implementation, however because of the purpose of this tutorial I chose for the implementation that takes less explaining time. Personally I feel like when I go with the Resource solution I will need to explain the Resource folder as well which is something I do not want to tackle in the blog post.

If any of these assumptions do not like you, then please let me know this in the form of constructive feedback by sending my an email. My email can be found on the homepage of my portfolio site.

Explaining the code

As told earlier, this code makes sure primitive type object can transform into other primitive type objects. This is done by simply setting the mesh filter of the new object equal to the object that needs to be changed. As one can see this editor script supports this action on all current selected objects. Below are some code snippets from the entire class that are explained a bit more in detail with elements that are specifically needed for creating a custom editor window in Unit.

The GetWindow function call

[MenuItem("Window/Example window")]
public static void Show()
    GetWindow("Example window");

In here we are calling the GetWindow function which comes from the Editor class this class inherits from. This function will make sure the actual editor window is displayed by (as seen in the function call) a name for the window. The window can be activated by going in the editor to Window -> Example window which is what the MenuItem attribute does. The MenuItem attribute will make sure that this static void function will be called when clicking on this newly created menu item.

Note: Calling this function can also be done through scripts of course however this GetWindow call doesn’t like being called a lot of times, ideally one only calls this function once so that the window can set up. Setting the window up on Update for example is really performance heavy.

The OnGUI function call

void OnGUI()
    //Visually show the enum value in this class
    objectType = (PrimitiveType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("new shape type:", objectType);
    //Creation of a button
    if (GUILayout.Button("Shape"))

Maybe one has seen this before, the OnGUI function returning a void is called when the editor is refreshed (aka when editor elements such as buttons, labels, dropdowns etc are called). With a custom editor we would like to hook into this function to also take part in drawing editor elements.

In this call I create 2 GUI elements. A enum drop down and a button. One might think that my PrimitiveType enum is public so it should display in the editor however be aware that we are making our own editor window now which requires us to manually make sure values are displayed. The if statement on the button returns true when the button that is created is pressed, and false when it is not pressed.

The Selection.gameObjects call returns an array of GameObjects that are selected to me which is what I need for my Shape function.

The end result

And there you have it, your very own custom editor window in Unity! Below is displayed a GIF that shows our example in action.

Responsive image

Creating a basic editor window takes very less effort to in Unity which is pretty pleasing to see. Coming up with a good use case to make a custom editor in Unity is something that is a bit harder to think about. Personally I think having the ability in Unity to create a custom editor with such ease is pretty strong of Unity which is also not something you see easily done with other engines such as Unreal engine which requires a bit more effort to create a similar editor window as we did today in Unity. Unity also provided very easy to use straight forward calls that are helpful when creating custom editor windows such as the Selection.gameObjects call that was used in the example in this blog post. All this makes me believe that Unity is far in front of other engines when it comes to letting her users extend the editor themselves. I am glad to see this is all possible in Unity and secretly I am also excited to see what more awesome things people can do with this feature in Unity. anyone wants to see a blog post about this or a blog post about custom inspectors in Unity then please let me know by emailing me.

Useful links

Official Unity learning course on writing editor scripts which also covers how to write custom inspectors as well.

Official Unity Editor documentation.

How to make an editor window in Unity by Brackeys.

How to make a custom inspector in Unity by Brackeys.