Jens Petter

Game Programmer

Automated building with Unity

What is automated building?

Let’s first take a step back and talk about what automated building actually is. If you are not here for this then feel free to move ahead to the “Automated building with Unity” section of this blog post.

The word automated building kind of speaks for itself. The process of building automatically. Let’s say one has scripts that need to be compiled automatically, that can be done depending on what language is used with MS Build for example. Automated building can go as far as defining certain scenarios in a project and running them automatically which is also part of automated building, however this is a bit more in depth then just compiling scripts with MS Build. Game engines often can go very in depth when looking at the processes that can be automated, this is only logical since with a game engine lots can be done.

There are a lot of processes that can be automated with Unity. From compiling scripts, running scenes, ,building assets to building an .exe file from your Unity project. Where of course all processes that one runs will be provided when done running with an output log.

Automation of certain processes in Unity is definitely a thing Unity herself though about. Unity has a command line tool feature that is pretty easy to understand and cant be integrated into any automated build system very easily where only a tiny bit of command line knowledge is required to get this set up.

In this tutorial blog post I will focus on showing how to build a single or multiple scenes with the help of automated building with Unity.

Automated building with Unity
The command line

Like I discussed above, Unity has command line tools to take care of automated building but there is also a lot that can be automated. How is such scalability of running a lot of processes in Unity done? Is this by supplying more then 30 arguments with the command line tool for Unity? No, it is pretty straight forward, let me explain how this works.

Below here is shown the most basic command line call to make sure a certain project is build with Unity. For this, a call to the Unity.exe is required where this file can be found in your installed Unity version directory. I will now explain the arguments below counting from left to right.

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Image 1: A screenshot that shows the most basic command line to call to make sure a certain project is build with Unity.

1. The argument “-batchmode” makes sure this command line call is run in batch mode, also known as “headless” mode. By calling this the project does not display anything or accept user input when building. This is useful for running servers for networked games but also for our purpose: automated building.

2. Next is the “-projectPath” argument where one specifies the directory of the project that needs to be build meaning this needs to be the folder where the Assets/Library/ProjectSettings folders are, so not the Assets folder itself.

3. Lastly is the “-executeMethod” argument which is an argument that deserves and requires its own header to talk about.

There are of course a lot more arguments that one can put in with this command line call. For a full overview of what arguments can be added to this command line please refer to the “Useful links” section in this blog post.

Execute Method

In the example one can see that the -executeMethod argument specifies “MyEditorScript.PerformBuild”. “MyEditorScript” is an actual script that lives in the editor folder in a Unity project. “PerformBuild” is a function inside the script. One can see with this that with this last -executeMethod argument we refer to a function inside a script in the editor folder.

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Image 2: A screenshot of the bare minimum code that is needed in order to construct a function with the BuildPipelilne from Unity.

Up here one can see a screenshot of the bare minimum code needed in a build function. As one can see there is a BuildPipeline script made by Unity that supports building. I will quickly go over the arguments for the “BuildPlayer” call.

Note that there are other calls in the build pipeline of Unity but for the sake of this tutorial blog post I will go over how to build a single scene.

1. Which scene needs to be build, this argument asks for an array, specifically an array strings defining the paths to the scenes to build.

2. The second argument denotes where the executable of the project needs to be outputted.

3. The third argument asks for a build target, for now windows is used however one can of course put in any platform target they want. Note that for windows one can also choose between a 64 or 32 windows target.

4. The last argument for this call is the option to add build options. This can be for example to only build scripts, or only make sure the models in the scenes are build and processed. Like shown above, one can also choose to not put an extra option while building in this function call.

By this point I can see that the concept of the editor folder might be a bit vague which is why I chose to discuss the evidence folder in a bit more depth below here.

The editor folder

I will go over what the editor folder is in Unity since automated building through the command line requires one to put a script with a function in the editor folder. This is one of the so called “special” folders in Unity. Scripts placed in this folder are treated as Editor scripts rather than runtime scripts.

These scripts add functionality to the Unity editor during development, and are not available in builds at runtime meaning you can’t add these scripts to GameObjects as components for example as well. Usually when importing a plugin that contains a .dll or .jar file this will also be stored in the editor folder. One can have sub folders in the editor folder as long as the main editor folder is there.

My implementation of automated building with Unity

Recently I have started using automated building with Unity. I use the build pipeline from Unity in combination with the command line tools quite heavily like shown in this blog post.

I have hooked up automated building to an in the cloud build server where I can specify when to build my project and how to build my project. Usually I build the scenes that are shown in my game projects where as a build option I make sure to compile the scripts for those scenes as well. The in the cloud build server I use is Jenkins where I make sure to call batch files in pipeline script whenever I decide to build my project. There are some GitHub Actions tools as well specifically for Unity which enables one to not write all the Unity specific command line code in batch files but instead makes one able to write directly in the GitHub Action itself which in my opinion is much better then a batch file.


There are a lot of automated possibilities in Unity. What I have showed in this blog post is just one simple function of the Unity build pipeline. Even though it looks like the build pipeline has only a few functions, every function has the possibility to input a lot of different parameters which makes a few functions very powerful. The possibility to combine the build pipeline of Unity with the command line tool options in Unity makes these few functions even more powerful. Personally I am curious how automation of games will evolve in the upcoming years but I know that Unity is quite on point on by making sure a lot in game development can already by automated. Would you agree with everything I talk about in this blog post? Do you find something not clear? Questions? Please refer to my portfolio site to contact my directly (

Useful links

Official Unity command line argument documentation.

Special folders in Unity.

Official Unity build pipeline documentation.